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1Synthesis Empty Synthesis Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:55 am



Synthesis is a way to create monsters from scrolls you find in each map. To be able to Synthesize you will need a few items: A Synthesis Scroll for the pet you want (obtained from either veteran maps or gold/crystal chests), The monsters required on the synthesis scroll (for these you may need to capture them and level them to the level needed on the scroll and some scrolls even need monsters obtained from other scrolls) and silver. The cost for synthesizing can range anywhere from 9000 silver to 60,000 silver depending on the rarity of monster. 9,000 for uncommon/rare, 20,000 for rare, and 60,000 for Epic. After Synthesizing you will receive the pet that was pictured on the scroll and the scroll will then dissappear. You will obtain a Male or Female at random, you do not get to choose which gender you get.


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